One step at a time
Always on the climb
It seems like I'm getting nowhere
But without a moment to spare

Searching and always seeking happiness
I wonder if it's ever so useless
Forever traveling and moving onward
Sometimes without even a single word

I write and speak with no reply
Another, yet another deep sigh
Why do I write but for others to read
Help! someone, with my lead

I hope they like it this time or next
Yes I continue to finish this text
Forever writing it seems to no avail
Maybe I'll get in a boat and sail

Naw, I hate floating on a single wave
I'd rather be sleeping in a dark cave
No not there either or up in the air
I know that none of you even care

Oh, well, give up big guy, give up today
Go on and say what you want to say
Let's help each other out and read our stuff
Or get off the merry go round or wear a muff!!

Tags: Sarcasm

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