When it comes
Old age
It finally is
The last page

The last page
Of your life
The bitter truth
A strife

A strife
Cause its pain
And this time
Sun won't shine again after the rain

The sun won't shine after this rain
As this one would be the last
And then there would be this bitter truth
That you soon would be the past

You soon would be the past
Life would no more be a bliss
It is tough to go on
When your body indicates this

Your body indicates
As you shake and tremble
Your mind is not in place
Thoughts are hard to assemble

Thoughts are hard to assemble
People are hard to remember
You are nothing but a series of experiences
Ready to face your last December

Ready to face your last December
Being a load
Leaving behind an odyssey
Ending the last road

Tags: Old Age

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