I walk aimlessly on a dark narrow road;
With my feet stumbling and my eyes dripping away it's sorrow.
People walked past me as my tears flowed;
Hoping, somebody would notice, if not today, may be tomorrow.

My soul is screaming aloud to be heard;
Is it just me who's invisible or this is how it goes?
Look at them go, keeping their soul unstirred;
My invisibility and their indifference are my only woes.

I passed by a door, closed and silent;
The door was trying to burst open,
As if the inaudible sobs were turning violent;
I walked towards it with the feeling of a bad omen.

As I reluctantly opened the door,
Stood men and women, the wonderers;
Their face blank like mine, walk aimless,
They were the silent sufferers.

I wonder why don't they yearn to reach out;
Or do they enjoy being alone?
Nobody cares finally they shout,
We all are on our own.

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