In life, we gain peace and fulfillment from our own healthy self-esteem and from cultivating a respectful attitude with our self and towards others. This sense of balance is largely internal. Nobody else can give it to us. To develop self-respect means to cultivate the self confidence to deal with whatever life throws at us.
Once you learn how to respect your own-self, people will learn to respect you as well. But, if you have NO respect for yourself, others will not respect you either. If everyone around you treat you like crap, it has everything to do with how people perceive you. Build up your self-esteem, love yourself, be strong, have confidence in yourself. When people see that you walk in confidence & strength, people will began to see the favor of God in your life. They will give you the up most respect. Hold your head up & let your light shine. Walk in victory & know that you are bless..!!!!!

Tags: Happiness

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