Only God can see me when I am all alone lost in my thoughts. Only God witnesses my tears. Only He knows my pain.

All my thoughts belong to you. My heart craves for you. My eyes weep to get one glimpse of you.

My emotions are not mine. They are governed by you. You don't leave me alone even when I sleep. My dreams are about your memories.

Happiness is short lived. Agony lasts for longer duration.

I ask God to grant me 'you' whenever I pray. You are my wish, my only desire. You are love. You are life. You are happiness. You are pain.

I want to forget you. I want to throw you out of heart. But my heart is controlled by you.

You will never come back. You l never understand. Only God can see me when I cry. Only God knows how I feel.

Tags: Love, Loss

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