the Mumbai rape case came as no shock.....India ranks second in the no. of rape cases reported, and if unreported cases will be taken into consideration it will surely rank first....and this is so damn shameful.. :( :(

there are factors that are encouraging rapists and discouraging victims from reporting...the foremost is the attitude of the police and even the society that has the assertion that some women deserve rape and that the physical appearance and behaviors of women tempt men to families of victim don't report as she will be thought responsible for tempting men in her case...rapists know this fact very well and take advantage of it.

even if a rape is reported, rapists don't get punishment in all cases..the victim is supposed to provide a number of evidence in court, failing which no judgement, so victim's family think of compromising with the fate...and there are even lawyers who support rapists...such lawyers should be punished first.

marital rape is not considered rape at all.. because sex in marriage is considered an absolute right of the husband, that can be taken with or without the consent of his wife. The very act of a woman refusing to have sex with her husband is considered unthinkable: in one survey it was found that majority thinks a husband is justified to beat his wife if she refuses to have sex with him.

the worst thing is the violence associated with the rape...the rapists don't only intend to have sex but also brutally torcher women physically...the mental torcher is immeasurable.

where is the humanity going?? why people feel pleasure in hurting others...why self respect and self-integrity is lacking in people...why no respect for women.... :( :( :( :(

it is futile to hope for change in law, society, police protection or moral of potential rapists..

i think personally that following safety measures can be of some help...

1) avoid going out in nights especially alone in any vulnerable place...its better to feel less free and less independent than becoming a victim..make a large group of yours and hangout with them.

2)you have great body and want to dress like actresses but that may draw attention of perverts, actresses have body guards but not every woman, better wear among girls or among people and places where you know you are safe...however dress does not matter for the rapists but they may be provoked.

3)don't trust anyone....seriously...blind or even partially blind way..

4)don't try adventures like taking a walk in the dead of night alone or travelling to unknown places with unknown people...its better to stay back at home and curse being a female than falling prey to any psycho killer.

5)even if you get slightest doubt over anyone...immediately call your any relative or police, don't wait for any further signs or steps...

6)don't ever leave your young daughters unattended even inside family, please inculcate moral in your male that they won't become a potential rapist after growing up..

7) take care of other woman around you...your friends, relatives and even maids.

only women can help herself and can bring on the change.

i know that some of my points are silly and discouraging women power...but i feel better to be safe than sorry...rapists only look for opportunity..just don't let them have one.

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