Accustomed to the nightmare for so long a time
That even I forgot that bright sunshine..
Darkness surrounded my life-
all around with whatever I had to hear,
so painful, hurting;
I felt 'had been stabbed by that wicked knife..
That pain, I was, unable to bear..

Allegations, Insults, Humiliations, Ignorance,
became old comrades, they couldn't give me up!
Nobody even cared, to give a chance??
Tears shed waste, unseen by the world,
I felt as if i had been hurled,
Out of the sunshine, the glory,
to make the blind darkness, my only story!
Sadness, tears, worthlessness-
all repaced the glory, of once
so inspirational a life, so succesful,
Everyone envied..

It had started appearing so dull,
Pushed into the side bereft of joy..
And I adjusted myself to becoming more coy
Each day shrivelling myself in a shell of gloom,
In all lugubriousness, forgot to bloom!
Forgot, even another world existed,
Forgot the place I was pushed in,
was not mine!

Forgot to brathe in the fresh air,
promising happiness,
to laugh, and sing, and dance and dare:
That wicked nightmare,
That wicked pessimism,
Once showed a single ray of Optimism!

Lured, I tried following it,
forgetting all sarcasm, laughs, asperse;
Once again, a zest found me
Once again I forgot the war..
Desires provoked me to break that bar!
How I longed for that freshness of success,
How I longed to fly away from that barring nest!

Breaking the wall that separated me from the light,
I came out, almost ready to fight!
And to my surprise I felt that pleasure,
Life was so new, amazing! Full of delight!

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