These damn days seem hotter and longer without her

these damn nights are so much colder alone

why doesn't she realize the emptiness that consumes me

foo fighters say that times like these you learn to live again, that times like these you
learn to love again

sounds good in a song but not how my life has been

i want so badly to smell her walk past me, the smell of shampoo and and the faint smell
of a days worn perfume

she is my light shes my warmth shes the sound of music when i so badly need those

things I know I have brought on a lot of this torturous agony i feel as i sit here, feeling

sorry for myself...needing her to be here

begging her to call wondering why i put myself this shit at all

my children, my buddies my little rocks. three kids that would give there little hearts up to see me smile again...

Hailee, she doesn't say much but i see the worry in her eyes she has for me

Jaylynn, my little sweet pea, looks at me with hurt in her eyes for her daddy wanting her love to be enough to bring me out of this pain

Jake, my little nigga, he so tough for me and and looks at me like Im the biggest man in the world and that i can make or fix anything...probably
wondering why i cant fix this

god dammit i need this woman so much, but wish i could be without her and not have to go through this shit.
im sorry kids, your daddy is going to make you proud someday
and to the woman of my dreams, .......

Tags: Kids, Children, Love, Her, Me, Pain

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