If Parenting is to be just about "love and care" then no doubt we indian's are blessed to have the best parents in the whole world. But is parenting just about that? Isn't it more about how to contribute in the overall development of a kid.
An indian kid is loved immensely by his parents, they sacrifice their lives and jobs for the same. The kid has ample emotional support till he grows up. But there are still some aspects of indian parenting that are pathetic, Yes i mean it "Pathetic". I would like to specify here that iam talking about a middle class family.
Relationships are considered taboo. You cannot have a boyfriend/girlfriend, even if you have you keep it a secret because u know when your parents get to know about it they will freak out. We are to keep distance from the opposite sex from the beginning. Some liberal parents do allow such relationships but they want the girl to be from same country/religion/caste.
I Think this aspect of our country is devastating the youth, It has a huge effect on the society. A person has many problems that cannot be shared with parents and these relationships come in handy in such situations. For a person to be emotionally stable and excel in what he is doing he needs a relationship, I think parents should understand this and let the person decide with whom he wants to spend his life with. I envy the kids raised in western society a lot in this case, they are encouraged to have relationships and i think that it is a very important aspect of a happy life.
The concept of arranged marriage is utterly stupid. I think we should grow up and be more mature in this topic and this will benefit our country to a large extent.

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