As I mentioned before I was really jealous of my brother.He was a topper and would get everything he want. He was a science student and i humanities.I would not say forced but my parents pushed me towards science (you know Indian parents!) and i absolutely loathed the subject. anyway earlier today i was charging my mobile. Suddenly my brother came and plugged out my mobile from the charging point and put his watch (Samsung gear 2 or something) for charging. It happened that that morning I was supposed to go to my friend's house and i was anyways depressed. My boyfriend had broken up with me and i was missing him so bad. so i got angry when my bro unplugged my mobile because I never buy stuff the mobile was a second hand from my aunt, I h ate electronics the only thing i have wanted my entire life was a dog! well never received that anyway!so in a fit of anger i unplugged his eatch and he started strangling me and my mom started beating me, i have scars all over my face and hand marks on my neck. is this kind of tratment fair? where technology is more important thann life itself? and every single fucking time my mom curses me and screams that she wished that she never had me. what kind of impact is that supposed to have on a child's brain?I really don't know. It's just that life has been really difficult for me and i still feel sad. i am interested in stuff such as animation, making music out of my mouth, youtube, opening a charity, reducing poverty.... things that have no use in today's society. Am i really useful as that? My self- confidence is one thing that i could never achieve. i still imagine people staring at me knowing that something bad has happened, i havent been able to shake off feelings of uselessness...................

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