Peace, you might ask where is it
It's not in the U.S. for even a bit
Will you find it near the Christmas tree
I looked all around and I did not see

I searched for peace in the news online
And what do you suppose I will find
Another battle or shooting at home
It's not even peaceful clear up in Nome (AK)

Peace, peace what does it mean
I guess you could find it if not seen
But what or who can bring peace to the earth
Oh, my it has come through a baby's birth

Yes, indeed, over two thousand years before
The baby was born in a house without a door
He was born to bring peace to everyone here
To many of us he has become so dear

Peace on earth, good will to men
This is the message the angels send
So now, what is it that brings us this peace?
Not man or animal on this earth at least

God sent his son, he's the only one
To bring peace and happiness alone
Don't look to men or women for this feeling
Christmas we celebrate PEACE and it's meaning.

Tags: Love

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