Breath.Speak to me.Time.Money.Us and them.Brain damage.Eclipse.I am listening to floyd. I am dreaming.The sky has turned red.I am listening to floyd.I am afloat and so are the pigs. Where am i? I am listening to floyd. It was here. It is gone. What's that in the sky? I am listening to floyd.

This is what everybody will feel when he/she listens to Dark side of the moon or any of the floyd's albums and i can bet my stained soul on it. Last sunday it was 40 years since pink floyd released their legendary concept and life changing album "Dark side of the moon". Releasing just before easter in 1973, the album quickly gained the number 1 spot on both US and UK charts and remained on the billboard for almost 15 years. I wouldn't say that album defined the 70's era or that rock & roll generation because listening to it now i feel it could have been produced yesterday. It is one album that will keep on selling and will keep every generation obsessed with it.The dark side was in views of many a tribute to the musical genius and founding member of floyd, syd barrett. His descent in the world of drugs and his short musical career left a deep and inedible mark on rest of the band members, and it was pretty much syd's eccentric personality that became the basis of their later works like wish you were here and wall.

The sound of the cash register, mad laughs, the heart beat , the wail of a girl is what starts this epic album.The album slowly segues into 'time' and roger water's lyrics along with gilmour's guitar and rick's keyboard makes us go to strange places and makes us think about the absurdity of time , its partiality towards us, its overarching power towards mankind.

And then the one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun

The orgasmic wails in the 'the great gig in the sky' is a perfect bay to dump all that anger and desperation. The album progresses to 'Us and them' and rick wright's soft and jazzy voice contemplates on the futility of war and its painful consequences.

The last three songs on the album ' great gig in the sky', 'brain damage' and 'eclipse' are a song in their combined form. You can't tell when one song finishes and flows into another. All three are examples of perfect craftsmanship of waters and gilmour. The lyrics are dark, haunting, simple, mad, and are an assortment for lifelong lunatics or for people like me who have become lunatics after listening to floyd. Waters' lyrics full of relaity, cynicism keep ringing in your years and seriously you won't mind it.

Pink floyd hasn't got fans, it has got worshipers.Its like" I do not believe in God. I believe in Pink Floyd."There is a reason they are called the greatest psychedelic rock band on earth. They blur that line between reality and lunacy. They are addictive. They are God's sound. They are the floyd. I am a floydian...are you?


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