sprawling my legs,

consoling my heart,

straddling to keep my chair not to fall,

crawled on their legs,

my love is true and my love is true,

cheating they thought,

kept me inside the prison,

their thoughts still make me paranoid,

burning air on my face,

my love is true and my love is true,

Squandered to germany to find a beach,

hovered to reach,

then suddenly thought to disappear on the beach,

god you brought me back,

then i started swimming to keep my faith,

I was scared of water and now i feel it my destiny,

I am piesceian and i will remain,

I swim with all my heart,

Fishes are piescians,

my love was true and my love was true

You said you were cynical,

but why you thought i will cheat you,

common i am not such a jerk,

Eat me i am a fish ( i heard you eat only nonveg - cannabalism)

dry me and then starve.

my love was true and my love was true

write on your blog to annoy you,

write to disobey you,

write to message you,

write to tell you,

now its only just a promise,

where you made me mad and i made you more angry,

support me , destroy me but you will find me

in your soul, in your moon , in your PS, in your bathroom

in your heart, in your company, in your books,

because i am an obsession who takes me

never feel to give me up

my love was true and my love was true

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