What is the purpose of life,
I often ask to my soul.
Is it to please my own kin,
Or to lead a life without sin.
A baby's birth gives joy,
A relative's death gives sorrow.
In hope,we live throughout,
Wanting,perhaps,a better tomorrow.
Sometimes happiness is nearby,
At other times,we search for it.
Is striving towards a goal good,
Or is there something better?
Why do some people face ridicule,
Why are some people idolized,
Is it only their karma,
Or is it about something more?
The lingering memories of events,
The reflective moments of solitude,
What are they there for,
Why do we perceive them like that?
The heart beats for a reason,
The giver knows it all too well,
Its a blend of destiny and much more,
Its soft to define and hard to think.
What is the purpose of life,
I often ask to my soul.

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