I am thinking, about why. But who am I to think? And why am I thinking? Am I thinking too much? How do I quantify "much"? But why do i need to quantify things? Has it become a necessity? Am I a necessity? Who am I? Why am I what I am? But why am I. What is existence? Where do I exist? With respect to …? What am I thinking? Is thinking even good, or the "life" of a stone better? What is life? Is life existence? What is life better than? Did you just say death? What is death? Have you seen it? Why are we afraid of it? Why am I even bringing other people into the picture? Wasn’t the discussion just about me and you? Am I being selfish? Why do I even care? Whom do I care about? By the way, who are you? What are you even doing here? Was all of this planned? If it was, by whom? And why? Am I thinking again? It’s about “why”, right? What is wrong? Is there anything between right and wrong? Who are you to decide? Am I trying to confuse you? Am I trying to interpret your reactions? Am I trying to control you? Was this conversation absurd? Are you still listening to me? Why are you listening to me? Who told you to do so? Is it the same planner? Where is he? Is he inside you? Or are you just a part of him? Am I talking too much? Can you hear me? How do I sound like? Is this even me talking or just your inner self? Am I inside you? What is inside you? Have you ever checked for yourself? Do other people exist? If not, who am I? And who are you? What is this conversation? Why just questions? Do questions always need to be answered? And why? Shit, am I thinking again about why? But who am I to think?

Tags: Abstractness

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