A boy was walking through a narrow pathway in a lush green paddy field. He saw a rainbow and decided to catch it by it's horns. His father was feeding the bullock. After the day's hard work, the bullock was tired. But the boy was determined. He sparkled his eyes and twitched his lips to signal the exhausted animal. Though he was weak, he was old. He had seen the boy grow in front of his eyes. The grandfather in the bullock decided to help the boy out. There were two routes - the coconut tree or the ever-bathing rhino in the village pond. Which will be a better launch pad? For love of a fellow animal, the rhino got the privilege. Boy would climb on the bullock, which would jump on to the rhino, which would give a push upwards and lo! the bow will bow to us. The bull contemplated; gave a salivated glee. Boy asked his father if he could stay on the rainbow forever.

"Who will look after me when i become old?"
"Do not worry. I will send the bull back"

The plan worked. The boy sat on the bull. The bull took the leap straight into the rhino place in the pond. Somebody paused the great leap in mid air. The rain goddess appeared in front of them.

"If you take my bow, i will not be able to dance. Please push me into this pond instead."

The bull lifted his leg and waited for orders. The boy decided to negotiate instead. A bargain was struck.

Since then, every drop of rain in the village show seven colours.

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