Blame-game; corruption; dishonesty; bribery; falsehood; hypocrisy; two-faced people who have spoiled characters stained with innumerable scams. Call it whatever you want but never forget the real meaning of the word 'Politics'. I like to call it 'Rajneeti' since it was the name of my favourite actors movie, Ranbir kapoor. Also because it has the word 'neeti' in it which is the Hindi word for ethics, constantly reminding me of the importance and sacredness of the word. Even if you call rajneeti by different, negative names; it is not going to change. Today's politicians have changed the way we think of rajneeti. Kejriwal was right - Politics is a sacred term, corrupt politicians have contaminated it.
Politics is no where near corruption. Then why do we confuse ourselves with both the terms? Politics is a way of life, a part of it. It is a science that deals with the welfare of the state and its people. Like any other science, it has rules and laws that carry equal importance. I agree that it is no use to see our politicians shouting and swearing at each other; or waking up everyday and reaching for the newspaper just to find a hundred scams on each page. However don't blame politics for this. Today's politicians are to be blamed for all the financial, social and communication mishaps. I'll give an example of racism. Racism prevails in India, not due to politics but due to politicians. Why don't they keep shut when the can't troubleshoot the real problems. They always shift people's focus to less important topics so that they can carry out their bad works which are not at all a part of politics. Diverting peoples mind skilfully is what they call politics. How wrong are they!
Politics is like a game of chess. You need to get situations to favour you. Talking about real-life, it's like fishermen catching fish. The more spread out the net is the more number of fish will be caught. Simply common sense. Also, by studying the environment(for example, the sea temperature, salinity of water, kind of fish that live there and the time of their migration, etc.), the fishermen ca estimate and know when, where and by which method they can catch fish. Again, the principles of politics are no less different than the principles of life. Politics is a part of life, as said earlier. Rajneeti is purely common sense and logic practised with proper rules and regulation. It's for people with ethics.

Tags: Politics

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