Yes, we lead busy lives. We are stressed and distressed. There is not time to relax, no time to unwind and live peacefully. There is danger lurking at every step. Our life's a race. We can't afford to lose even a single moment lest others take our places! We can't smile, we can neither cry. We don't realize what's right and what's wrong! Sounds like a present day life?
Yes, it is true! We lead lives mechanically these days. With so much of stress, our brains have become pressure cookers and the pressure has been building up from inside. We are so busy that we fail to see the little joys at every step! All that matters is ourselves. We have become selfish, we have become less human. We fail to notice the sufferings of others. We have forgotten to smile. Where is the joy, contentment we had before? Where is the affection that we shared before? Have they been forgotten? Any answers?

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