Inspired but insipid,
I sat on the chair.
Tapping yet restraining,
I played with hands bare.
Of the river I thought,
Of the pebbles I pondered,
Both embracing tightly,
The warmth going unnoticed.
Of the cloud I thought,
Of the sun I pondered,
One piercing the heart,
The other smiling sadly.
Of the road I thought,
Of the signpost I pondered,
Symbol of directional grace,
Yet incomplete to the core.
Of the slow music I thought,
Of the singer I pondered,
The magic created by words,
Travelling undisturbed by time.
The hue never did leave me,
For the color had enchanted me.
Like the dewdrop in the morning,
I remained listless right there.
The sweat made the hand glisten,
Unseen yet loved by the screen glare.

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