These days I have been fighting an undeclared battle with myself for a past few days.Actually the duel is between the "real me" and the "Ideal me".The ideal me has always emerged as the powerful opponent on all the previous clashes and this time too the odds are against the "real me".
The "ideal me" has got a lot of weapons in its armoury and has been using it quite effectively all the time.It has always compelled me to surrender to it.It once forced me to take responsibility of something that was not possible for my potential.This special weapon had cost me a lot of time and fun and more effects are still to be seen.And the victims were not only me but apart from me , my couple of friends and colleagues were dragged in the battle too.Sometimes I felt myself responsible for the misery through which we all were going through out that period day and night.They were awesome friends and they never complained . They were too adamant to leave me in that mid stream .They worked to their full potential ,braved the various difficulties,faced the scoldings without a sign of regret on their faces.While most of our colleagues were enjoying their internship , me along with my team were stuck in the Dept. of pediatrics dealing with life and death of hundreds of little childrens.Some of them who were lucky enough , went home while others lost their battle with death.
However after that period the whole team was praise by one and all in the hospital.That was a huge relief for us.
But now similar low intensity skirmishes are going on between the "TWO ME's".The ideal me as always force me to wake up early,get ready on time,no time on internet or PC and always be ready to say yes.On the other hand ,the real me tells to enjoy the cold winter,watch a movie,write a couple of things on WRITERBABU,enjoy stroll and study a little if there is time left for that.
This thought of real me as enjoying the winter in a nice warm blanket{of course alone:p] while the temperature outside 1 degree celsius was about to make the real me victorious this time but suddenly the ideal me atacked with its hidden ammunitions and I was about to be knocked out.At that very moment when I was about to get out of that warm nice blanket the cold air striking my body got back the senses of real me and gave a huge "upper cut" to the ideal me."it is too cold out side.Hell with the bathing...can be postponed .No significant work in the hospital.I can call my sis...she can take care of all as she has done many times before..So ultimately ,i can sleep some more..........

PS-I don't want to escalate this conflict to a large scale because I know the reality that some times ideal is more powerful than real...HE HE HE :D

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