yes, confessions are the best way to regain what one has lost. the first step to bring a positive change in one's life is to release the past and the best way to do so is to forgive one's ownself. forgiving oneself and loving oneself is also a way to pay thanks to God for blessing one with a chance to live. one may forgive oneself for getting derailed but one will never be able to forgive oneself for not getting back on the right path. there is no late for the rightness. don't just get stucked with the past. regret is good for it makes one realize one's mistakes but keeping that regret is always dangerous and a dead line for one's happiness! when one realizes oneself and one's worth then the only thing one has to do to attain the real tranquility and poise in one's life is to let go off the past after asking for forgiveness and there is no shame in making a confession rather it adds to one's dignity!! love yourself!! giving meanings to your life is still worth an achievement.

Tags: Achievement

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