This is the worst day, and these are not good days whatsoever. Somber silence, despondency, agony etc are everywhere, but we have to keep our chin up because it’s the only way and the best way to put up with this meaningless life. We have to have serenity in face of calamity; we have to cling to every last piece of goodness in ourselves. Even if there is no goodness left, we have to find it in ourselves. I know that searching for happiness in a broken heart is a lost cause, and I also know it hurts a lot; I know it hurts like hell; I know a lot of pain are into it than I can jot them down here, but I don’t want to give in to badness. Comes what may, I don’t want to be a bad person. I know that my uneasy conscious meanders a lot with every twist in pain to find it’s way out. I know everywhere is replete with darkness, but let there be light. Let there goodness. Let there be happiness for everyone—specially the ones who we care a lot!

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