Please do not judge me by the way I write. I am not emotionless. I am merely trying to find a logical analysis of ‘love’. The entity Love, like the entity God, has been created by man, for man, to achieve convenience by achieving inadequacy to perceive (the highly relative and vastly subjective) Reality.
I, per say, like others, believed in concept of love, as the relationship between parents and children, siblings, friends blah blah blah blah. We also tend to love cats, dogs, turtles, parrots, rats, crocodiles and also a pair of nicely stitched Levis jeans or an LV handbag.
With time, however I have realized that Love is a mere expression, and a very intent and strong one at that, of human need and dependence. Both of these emotions have a strong and apt negative connotation attached to them. The need may manifest itself in more ways than one, monetary, financial, physical, sexual and emotional. A child depends on his parents for money, food and shelter. The first emotion that a parent feels towards his child is that of pity. It is synonymous to the feeling that an owner feels towards his pet rat/dog/cat. It is the gratification of the human need and desire of being needed by another living entity and the aptitude of being able to help. The first feeling and bond that develops between a man and a woman is that of physical attraction, sexual compatibility and emotional dependence.
All these feelings, with time, are lulled into acclimatization, acquaintance, habit. With time, the transience of emotions in these relationships manifests itself. With time, parents begin to depend on their children for physical and monitory comfort. All physical attraction and emotional dependence in the case of a couple is then dominated by the paramount fear of the new and the change (break-ups and divorces, it is no longer easy to find ‘love’). Siblings grow out of the familial bonds and move out to experiment new relationships in their youth. The sibling bonds may or may not persist depending on the physical proximity and convenience of meeting up on occasional festivals and social functions.
If only I could see the evidence of existence of but one relationship, that is an expression of bliss and happiness rather that need, dependence and habitual co-existence, I would be able to will myself into believing the more popular definition of love.

Tags: Philosophy, Love

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