The world of cruelty surrounds us,
One which looks at women as toys.
Some somersault at the thought of a girl,
Some smile wickedly at her retreating figure.
How much have we changed,
No one can answer but our own true soul.
A girl is a human just like a boy,
A female has emotions just like a male.
In the 'ladies only' seat,men do sit,
In the cubicles of office,history does repeat.
Some jibe her for a work done,
Some do so for her unfinished job.
Day in and day out her world becomes darker,
Absolutely no one makes an attempt to wipe her sob.
The sanctity of her devotion is questioned,
The veracity of her words are mocked at.
An alternative life we all live,
One which derives pleasure at other's misery.
Simple in life and deep in thoughts we must live,
We must respect women for what they achieve.

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