What if there were a guy from southern California who loved geology and had a Dr. of Geology as a mentor? This young man's greatest dream was to walk the length of the San Andreas fault and take instrument readings the whole 110 miles so he could one day predict the next great California quake.

Now, what if, at the same time a young female doctor of Geology had a similar aspiration? One day they would meet by chance in the middle of the fault while testing and exploring. They would begin a hate and love relationship that would go from bad to worse.

Suddenly, the earth began to shake and the young man disappeared into the wilderness on the LA side of the fault. Eventually the couple would be reunited after a great quake all but cut LA off from the rest of the world for two weeks.

'San Andreas-Love Between the Faults' by David Erickson coming early 2014.

Tags: Thriller

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