"Commitment" is considered to be a very
important and mature aspect of a man woman
relationship. It is considered to be the
culmination of a love relationship between two
individuals which signifies that the people
involved in the relationship love, sacrifice,
understand and are ready to spend their whole
life with each other. Commitment basically
means a decision making procedure in a
person's life where he/she chooses the person
he/she loves most as a life partner.
Commitment needs to be displayed by both the
individuals to make any sense of the word. The
benefits of a committed relationship are many
as it gives your life stability, resilience and
belief making it healthy and beautiful.
There are a few ways which can be tread to
develop a strong and committed relationship.
You can give a chance to these tips listed
below and definitely can enjoy the blessings of
life in the companionship of the person you love
the most.

Be clear to yourself

It is very important to have a clear conscience.
You need to be absolutely clear in your mind
about the love of a person you are going to be
committed with. Listen to your heart, if you are
overjoyed at the name or thought of your lover
or the idea of meeting him/her and a sense of
loyalty emanates from within, then you are on
the right track. It will be a wise decision to get
committed to that person because your heart
tells you that. For developing a strong
relationship, honest is another aspect that has a
significant contribution. Make sure you are not
hiding many a things from your lover , that you
think he/she does have a right to know about.

Spend Quality time with each other

Spending a good amount of time is an important
thing before going into a serious relationship.
Time lets you know the person, his/her likes
and dislikes, nature and habits etc in details and
provides you the opportunity to understand how
much you relate to or are comfortable with the
other person to go into a long term relationship.
Spending time will also give you the opportunity
to clear any wrong notions that you have formed
in the mind about your partner, and may
altogether lead to a different perspective
towards him/her. There is a need to be
absolutely original and you should not try to be
someone different in front of him/her so that
he/she is also able to judge and understand


A committed relationship is the one where both
the partners are equal in many important
aspects of life like decision making and freedom
of actions. None of the two should consider
him/her self higher or superior than other. With
the sense of equality , comes a sense of
comfort and settlement in a relationship as the
individual feels empowered and in control. The
couples where one is patronizing or
commanding while the other is submissive and
follows what the other says without arguments
or suggestions is not likely to be a successfully
committed relationship. The reason behind this
is there is always a sense of dissatisfaction in
one of the partners.
Respect and Share responsibilities
To have a happy long term relationship you
should have respect towards your partner. The
interaction should be such that you listen to
your partner , respect it and clarify the
understanding by asking her questions. At no
point of time , should a person feel that he/she
gets ridiculed or put down on every suggestion
made or comment given. This is harmful for a
successful relationship.
Sharing the responsibilities equally is also
important for a health committed relation , may
that be financial , household or children related
wherever it applies.

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