Walking I was, all alone in the dark.
No ray was I able to find,
I do hear the howling
Of the bestial hound.

Aghast I turned,
Nowhere were you, to be found.
Then a voice I heard,
So chummy its sound.

Awaken I was,
As approaching were the ambling steps.
"She came here!
Oh God! I saw you."

Eternal was your look,
Corona you did carry.
Pulled me out, & across the dark
We walked together.

Enlightened were the bays,
They finally came true.
All my worships and my prays’
My entirety engulfed in you.

Happiness I found, tranquil I was,
With her I always, have wanted to walk.
Chirping were the sparrows,
Cooing were the doves.

I was awakened!

Oh! Dream it was.
I greeted with laugh, this refreshing morning.
Again, with the rising sun,
I started to walk.

- Caveat Lector

Tags: Dreams

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