I still remember the day
When dad hugged me and said,
"You're my cutie pie, sweetest girl in the world".
I don't know how much I loved it.

I was fourteen back then....

He told me to grow an ideal woman
Gentle, caring, respecting elders.
To be kind and to sacrifice for others.
To be the one to make'em feel proud.

He got me chocolates,
He got me dresses,
He told me not to go out in the sun
He did everything for me.

"Its a cruel world outside", he said.
"Don't trust anybody,
They will always try to take advantage", he said.
He told me to stay safe of boys.

I believed in him,
I trusted everything he said.
I never made a boyfriend as others did.
I never went out on night outs as others did.

But I nurtured a dream
To grow up and be a doctor someday
I never cut my parents words
I only wanted to be an ideal woman.

Today's my marriage.
I'm twenty.
And as my dad say, if I wait more
I may not get a nice groom.

My books are all packed up in the closet
As are my dreams.
I'm being dressed in red saree
Being covered up in gold
Bracelets, anklets, and everything which makes me look so good.

He has come to see me off
To get married to a person he wanted me to marry.
He thinks I'm the most beautiful bride in the world
He thinks he gave me the world
But what he doesn't know is that

He didn't just married me off
He has gagged me up in the shackles of gold....

-to those women who had a dream but couldn't fulfil it to raise us kids (love u mom)

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