Oh no baby
we made promises to be together
Did you feel ashamed of yourself?
You never felt ashamed of yourself
I felt ashamed to love you.
I felt ashamed that one day you will marry someone for the sake of money
for the sake of power
He was right all girls are same

But this is not the end
I promise you
this is not the end
Because one day whatever happened with me
will come back to you
to your family

Baby you have broken promises
You have broken promise i made
You broke the promise you made
You all are same...

I loved her
but she loved money.
We promised that we will run from this world
But it was just my promise but not her.

Please never love.
Whatever you have done will happen again
You have suffered
You will keep suffering your whole life.
That is the faith of a lover....

Love is love . Its not about money.
its not about power
Its just simple
Love is love

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