I am starting today with the thought of yours and yours only.......

This is about my girl who is one of the most gifted female .

She is one who is fighting for her individuality , her stand , taking care of her family and daily encourage herself to fight over and above all odds .She is favorite of herself and ideal of her children and she is living like a youth icon ,seeking straight into the eyes of fate and questioning ??

She lives each day out of her nerve , she want to prove in every little effort that there is nothing pleasurable than perfection. She has every possible quality you count for . Pretty , smart , multi talented , down to earth and over an above she is "Nivi."...Her signature mark is happiness.

She wants to see me smiling , she wants to see me healthy and happy ...and infact she want to see the world happy.

We are in physical boundary but mentally we are so close that we exchanged our soul to take care of each other .

She has great definition of love ...." feeling happiness of loved one and understanding his silence ."

Tags: True Story

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