She comes like a light
Whenever you are left alone
Amidst height of darkness
Being alone, walking along
Through the black phase of time
You wish rays to fall on you
And there she comes

Sunken in a sea of sorrow
The tides pushing you heavily
Driving towards a dead end
And there you find her
Stretching out her hand to lift you up
With her ocean of love and care

You wander from here to there
Not knowing the path and the destination
Without proper shelter overhead
You are then blessed
In her house of affection and support
Best wishes she tells
For your journey with your goal

SHE is not just a gender, not a human
SHE is not just a symbol of beauty
SHE is not just a body that breaths
SHE is the heart beat of every others
SHE is the soul that helps others to reach high
SHE is every good and SHE deserves everything good

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