The world never understood her softness
For she was brought up in a family that's full of gentleness ;

She was someone who thinks up a thousand times before saying anything ;
For she was leaned into the studies ; All she knew books .
For all she saw and know victory' being at first place always' , for all she saw around was goodness . For all she knew was ' All are good people coz That's what she saw and They made her feel this way ,
For all she saw was smiles and for all she saw was love , care , friendship .
for all she saw was giving , for all she saw was understanding others
for all she was given good values at home , for she was brought up like a princess by her dad .

Then she entered into the world , she got numb to see that dark phase .
All were mean , all were brats .
They made fun of 'why was she this way ' . For they teased to an extent that's actually can be so hurtful .
For all she saw was backstabbing and all she saw was 'being innocent was a curse' .
For all she saw was use of brains and no place for emotions at any cost ;
For she saw cleverness that was to hurt a person far a way .

It was hard for her at first , still she doesn't want to tell that to anyone and want to face it alone .
She cannot change herself because she was not brought this way , for she knows everything .
for she understood everything . For she never thought of even taking a revenge ,
For that was a guilt inside that's so bad .
For all those who thought themselves 'superior' by treating her this way .

For then also she din't ever hurt them back , she was a creature who cannot do that at any case
she has some morals and values , she can never be like them
All she prayed for freedom and a world that's full of people whose like the world she was into at first .

came again ,
Those selfish people need her now ,
BUT its too late to 'REALISE'.
for Now she was all a gal whose far too 'INTELLEGENT' to face the world for those who are far too clever to be cheated on to her. she's again in a place where she was earlier 'That very first place of goodness , love , care added on to Intellegence and 'How to deal straegy ? 'for those who think themselves far too smart and clever
she can never talk to them because she gives just' one chance '.
So, she bid a goodbye to them and this way she learnt a lot to face the challenges and the worst of people .
who were far stronger and step on the feeble ;;)