What u mean to me
Is more than I can express
The bond we share
Is impossible to describe
We have argued and bickered and made each other mad ...
But if u weren't there ...
Life would not have been the same way ....
No matter how much we have gone differnet wayssss..
But we can never be apart is what u had made me learn...
If I could have one wish it would be
To give you all that you have given to me.
Though I've put our relationship through some hazy days,
You've been that sunlight which shone in so many ways.
U have shown me that I will always have u beside me
I don't doubt some of your headaches are from me
With all the times you lecture and tease
I stand there upset and unpleased 
But u have made sure I am always in the right path ....
U r just an angel sent by god
In my life...
The second mother is all I can say...
On this day...
I just wanna say ...
How much I respect u is just not in words... But also the feelings...
Which brings warmth in our relationship...
Happiest birthday akka
Always be happy

Tags: Love

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