So dear society
my tale goes like this
Half things you’ll get
and half things you’ll miss
I have lived bound in chains
for years a dozen and three
And even after more than 60 years
By no means I can call us free
For we judge everyone around
every time every way
and worst is they cannot escape
There is just no dead way
For we judge the family culture
by the length of their skirts
where beauty is totally facial
and they have hatred in their hearts
Where marks and grades decide
the level of your intelligence
And the fake smile on your lips
indicate the level of your tolerance
Where women idols are worshipped
and girls are killed in mother’s womb
where people make others life hell
and then put flowers on their tomb
Locked in the walls of my own house
within these sorrows I’m supposed to drown
Blames and criticisms all I hear
then they ask- why you frown?
You cannot live
you cannot die
you cannot run
even if you try
You watched silently when I fell down
I bruised my knees, bled through my skin
But I refused to give up
and rose with the same old grin
I will have to change it all
I bet it is very challenging
I maybe just a drop in ocean
But atleast I made the begining

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