My book 'A Midsummer's Love Tale' is a love hate relationship for the young - it goes into all the details you'll want to read in a love surely will tickle you, keep you guessing chapter after chapter, asking for more....

The excerpts have already been shared by me in an earlier post....but what remains hidden is the best...obviously I can't share that with you, for that you'll have to download the e-book...

Imagine my delight when noted writer Madhuri Banerjee favorited my book and that means a lot to you all know Madhuri is a noted writer and has already published a series of books....

I had brought down the price of the book for a day on Republic Day and hope some people have availed of this the original price is restored..

The book is a must read for those already in love, or those in search of love, as love is an emotion, you never know when you might fall in love and when you may be expressing it......I don't claim my book is a trail blazer but it can surely fire your imagination....especially with the lovely month of February coming up, love is in the air......and your Valentine waiting for you......

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