Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys choices & the only choice that leads to happiness is choosing to be grateful & that doesn't cost sh*t.

This idea has become cliche, and we all say it, but we all secretly wished we had more. The issue isn't how much we have, it's our desires to have more. Maybe that desire is innate, maybe the idea of 'enough' doesn't exist until we're too tired to chase, and decide to settle with what we have. Maybe the need for more is what keeps us moving forward as a civilization as a whole.

Some of you reading this aren't happy, for various reasons. Some of those reasons can be solved with a payment, others can only be solved with a time machine, or a year long vacation. Regardless of the details of that unhappiness, realize the misery comes from what we choose to focus on, not what's actually happening in our lives.

The reality is most of you reading this are reading this on overpriced gizmos, and if you chose to, you could walk a few feet to get a glass of clean water. That is not the reality for a large number of people that share this planet with you. Some of those people are still smiling more often than you as well, which should be an indication that having more sh*t doesn't really mean sh*t. If we want to be miserable we will, if we want to be happy (really want to) we will.

Someone promised us everlasting happiness, and that idea fudged with us to the point that we want to be euphoric at all moments; that simply makes no sense. What we can do immediately to uplift ourselves is to focus on the things we have in abundance in our lives.

The simple idea that every breath, every moment, everyday is a gift, and if we can't find a reason to appreciate that, we won't be able to appreciate the next.

Find sh*t to appreciate, focus on that, see how you feel then.

Tags: Happiness

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