Its pretty much time, i wrote here. Usually due to "not my" schedule.
So last monday i was coming back from my class. Now the class is pretty far from home and i have to travel by train for around 20-25 mins (approx). So the class left around 9:30 night and i was at the station in 10 minutes. My mom had left a message saying "Get some snacks for yourself, will come home late". Now a person like me is a core money saver. Even if i have 10,000 in my bag. I would think 10 times before spending it some something which i "don't" require. Means i do waste money but it is always something on something productive !
I thought that anyways i was going to have dinner in next hour so why waste money in some Dominoz / Mcd.... That's the only reason maybe i get abused a lot by my friends. I am really not the person who will splurge money in some pub/club... I would rather read some book or sit at home doing something productive/efficient. Anyways... So i discarded the idea of getting something to eat and walked right up to the station . I climbed the bridge to my platform... And i saw a old beggar lady. There was a guy aged around 11-12 sleeping with his head on her lap. He was brutally injured (I dont know the reason obviously) ... He had bandages on his head... Right knee.. Right hand...
I walked passed and stopped on some distance. Turned back and removed a 100Rs note for my wallet and gave it to the begging lady. Now this was not the first time i have given some beggar that much money. I just don't need that much money for my daily expenditure. My mom on the other hand tells me to eat/spend it on things i need.
I handed her the money. She just took it and kept it in her purse. For a second i was shocked. I mean literally shocked. Means i didn't expect anything i return from her but some corner of my heart said "A smile would have done it" She just took the money, didn't even bother to look at my face. Just took it, kept it and continued begging again. There at that moment i just walked away and got into my train.
Now i can make many conclusions here... Maybe the brutally injured guy was not her son. I know for some people in India, begging is just a business as shown in the movie "Slumdog Millionaire", "Traffic Signal". And as a matter of fact it is true.
Maybe the old lady was very much frightened on her son's condition that she didn't bother to look at what i handed over to her. Or maybe she just ignored it or maybe she didn't care!

I told this to my mom. My mom said she gives me money so that i can eat, not others! :D
Well mothers are mothers afterall. But i still think that a smiled would have done it for me. Maybe that's what gratitude is. I mean when ever someone gifts us something we do smile and thank the person.
There is no conclusion to this article ... just call it an incident/memory that i wanted to share... which i was thinking a lot upon.

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