My classmates were making a video clip. I peeked through the door of the classroom, which was closed for 'shooting purposes'. It was break time and there was a huge crowd outside my class. It was rumored that the clip's title was 'Harlem Shake'..

All the guys to appear in the clip were dressing in strange costumes; swimming equipment, broken sunglasses and masks to name a few. I wanted to join in..

I bravely opened the door. Immediately, the guy in charge(the director in other words), saw me and hurried towards me.. "Hey I want to join you guys also.. can I??"

"Okay, we will be starting in a few minutes, get ready in the meantime..", he replied..

"What will I have to do by the way??"

"Just dance like mad", he said and went back to handle the other 'actors'..

I took off my shirt but kept my t-shirt on. Everyone took position on the 'Dance floor'..

"Ready dudes??", asked the cameraman, who was on the top of a table.

"yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh", we all shouted in response..

I felt my heart beating loudly as everyone went quiet. We waited impatiently for a few seconds. Finally, the cameraman began loudly:


At that moment we all danced like mad, resembling like a group of savages, a bunch of unstable monkeys.. as we flung tables and chairs everywhere while keep on dancing wildly(despite the fact that there was no music).. after a few seconds, I could see a fellow(who was dressed in a girl's uniform) being supposedly raped.. and I realized this clip was to make fun of other colleges..especially girls' colleges across the island..

After two minutes of wild dance, the cameraman shouted: "Okay guyzz..its over can stop.."

As I stopped, panting like an old dog, and sweating like a field worker, I knew one thing for sure.. I'm never forgetting this moment in my life.. It was too much fun!!! :D

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