its my first article it will have errors in it so please do tell me and help me improve :)

Whats moving on ??

Moving on is a myth ??

Does it even exist ??

Is it possible to move on ??

These two words MOVE ON has so many questions to it but NO good answer to it.

Moving on does EXIST !!!

Really ??

Yes ! Really.
It exists
moving on is simply another word ,another question ,another synonym to HOPE and WANT

so do u hope for love to happen again??
Do you want to be in love again ??

Moving on holds different meaning to different person

For some FORGETING is moving on !!
For some letting go is moving on !!
For some to believe in love again is moving on !!
For some finding the one AGAIN is moving on

its upto you whats YOUR answer to move on

and before anything
ask yourself are you ready to move on ??
If yes (with some natural confusion) is you answer than great dont judge yourself thinking how can u move on so easily if

it was reall love . Just dont think too much. Dont judge yourself .

But if ur answer is NO !!

Then do ask yourself
why ??
Are you really in love with that person ??
Or you are just too STUBBORN to accept that you both dont belong together ??
Be honest to yourself and if you cant be honest to your self than answer is

You cannot accept it that you both belong together so you choose to wait
you choose if you cant be with them lets be with there memories !!

As hard it would be but STOP it !

Its for your own best
so JUST be a little SELFISH
it may not happen right away but it will happen :)

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