Roving with the wind,
The rustling leaves around
Make it hard to punctuate
The rustling of soul and soil..!

Still those facts uncompromising
Kills my murdered-self again..!

Inflamed memories,
Veiled cells and sinews,
And now back to repentance..!

Once we were in a fabled-land..,
We wounded her fables,
Then stabbed her green,
Stung to her heart and
Pierced her spine out…

And now..,
She returns…,
Scribbling her fate,
Throwing disasters on
Our old days.., when we
Dared the dragon..!
Shipping us to the perilous isles
And she shouts “It is what you deserve”…
And now I know…it is what the
“Whole world will deserve tomorrow”….!!!

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