How many of you reading this believe in ghosts or spirits ?
Do you think that they really exist ?

I do believe them..I haven't seen exactly but i have felt them. some believe that it is a joke or rumours. But think of it after death what happens to souls? Good souls are transformed but the human who died without his last wish fulfilled can roam around in the form of a ghost..

Kids think that ghosts are one who have large and sharp teeth,red eyes,big ears. But do ghosts look like that way always..?? kids just imagine something in their mind which their parents told them..But ghosts don't have their definite form..They just flow through airs and sometimes also present around you..

In todays world of science,nobody believes them.They just took this as a superstition and believe that ghosts doesnot exist. Nowadays, however, the opinion of many educated and sci­entific people has changed on this subject. Of course a great many ghost-stories have been proved to be mere inventions or the delusions of ignorant and superstitious persons; but on careful investigation, it has been proved that many strange experiences really happen, which cannot be explained as falsehoods or mere illusions..

If good power exists then evil power also exists.. Not all ghosts are bad,some are good too..
If u believe in God then do believe in spirits and if u believe in spirits do believe in God..!!!

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