I believe, that the term "spiritual growth" is just indication of any "growth" process as a human being. Without it the process of realizing your path in life and the destiny, is really equal to zero and there is a risk to return from the beginning again. The spiritual growth is provided in many ways, and there are many ways leading to the path. I can point to some known ways and techniques, which can develop the growth of spirit and soul. There are some special points to begin with. The first rule is - even if seems hard to follow it, don`t give up the way, as this is the right way. Have confidence in yourself, that you are on the right way, -no matter of the circumstances around. So recognize the following ways to the spiritual awakening:

1. Religion
2. Meditation
3. Concentration
4. Visualization
4. Healing
5. Prayer

---> {Religion} First of all we have to start from the theoretical basis, the knowledge -not the believing! Start with reading religious books and sacred texts of any religion you choose. Think deeply about the sense and make notes.

---> {Meditation} = inner peace { meditation is kind of energy connection with your inner self and your spirit. meditation techniques is a way to become pure inside. Use any kind of meditation, which can bring you to the aim : music & sound, - chakra meditation, precious stones, moon meditation, sun meditation. (It includes some aspects of relaxation.)

---> {Concentration} Next step. It is very different technique, which is opposite of meditation. In meditation your spirit is "away", it`s relaxing and connected with the peaceful self, and also it`s connected with higher energies. Concentration is here and now" process, connect you with the "earth" spirit, so your mind can be fixed and not floating on a boat. Concentration exercises can be made at home and in many ways, when there is not "pure atmosphere" or there is many disturbing factors for you. when you want to concentrate, you actually eliminate sth not useful from your surrounding- that means bad energy, or negative influence for your aura. It`s one of the most difficult exercises. You can concentrate on a real object - which is from your surrounding, like flower, color, or special shape, or photo. Surely you can`t concentrate on music.

---> {Visualization} This technique is very close and use the technique of visualization. which can be also made with "object of mind", not real one! - the difference between them is that - in reality. Visualization is something, which is in our mind -world created by us only, and not a real object. It can be a story, imaginative event, something we dream and create inside of our mind. It should be made in quiet place and requires at least 10-20 min.

---> {Healing} is usually connected with inner spirit and aura. The chakra centers are very important in this way, as we need to "cleanse" and make them open and working inside of us. Healing is also made in inner way, by consuming combination of herbs and essences, also special kind of aroma oils, which respond to each chakra.

---> {Prayer} : is the final connection between self and God, or higher Energy. You can believe in prayer only if you practice it and feel its results. that is the highest point of connections. But doesnt mean that you should underestimate the other steps.


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