Some days at college can be pretty stressful.Nothing seems to go right,pressure builds up and short of blowing ones fuse,what can one do? well, i have found a great way to decant my stresses and I would like to share my little stress reliever with you all..."I just pour my stresses out,literally,on to paper! yes i have found writing a great way to distress.Sometimes the first attempt does not work.You are probably too unsure and too anxious the first time round.Repeated attempts bring success.You can take your pick..Write a diary or write a blog and pour your heart out! As its my personal me it is a great way to decant my stress...

There are days I hurt like mad and writing about this hurt,hurts me even more.But with time I have seen that once your feelings turn into words and start pouring out,your mind and soul feel cleansed and almost like new..!

One of the best line I've ever heard- When nothing is sure,everything is possible! So always be never know what can happen to you next!

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