I am flying high, over Bangalore’s rooftop restaurants, listening to ‘What if God was one of us?’ and drinking the best of coffee the world can offer me. A migratory bird passes me by, “Nice Outfit!” it cries, I understand the birdy language. I am Superwoman.
After my flight I reach down, pick up my children from the Day Care. By now my super powers are at the mercy of the grumbling auto driver. After a mandatory wash, I settle my children at home. And as I feed my son, I answer all the hundred questions that my daughter has for me. I am Superwoman!

The front door swings open and my cooks enter – “Kya bananeka, madam?”, the older sister asks. “Greek Salad”, I wanna say but then…. I point to the nicely laid out vegetables and dal soaking in water; on the kitchen platform. When did I do that!? Just between helping my daughter with her dress and getting my son out of the play pen. I am Superwoman!

The glory, routine and excitement of the night goes on and I take off again ……!

Morning comes with shrill cries and just as the bai calls a day off, I pack my lunch, select my perfume, choose from my collection of earrings and just a couple of minutes to apply the perfect line of kajal and I am ready for office ! But hey I need to take out the garbage too! I am Superwoman.

Meeting a friend at the mall, planning a birthday party, getting the sink fixed, oh the cutie photographs of my angels, all done now I am off to the art fair!!! Do I fly no I need to carry my 2 children. Seat Belts please !!! I am Superwoman.
Girl friends, enthu - I dance to ‘Auntie Monica’, hair spa and the perfect chicken briyani, lessons on cleanliness and adorable paintings on the wall. No my children don’t watch TV. Socializing with neighbours and volunteering for the society – but you are a mother and a home maker.

I am a mother and a home maker – I am a Superwoman.

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