I'd like to just say
in my own simple way
How each of you on Babu
And all you say and do
Are so important to me
And to anyone who sees
We are keeping friendship alive
By writing and we strive
To bring a smile on a face
And nail down an ace.

Thank you my friends
For enlightening my den
With your humor and fun
Not to be out done.

I love the prose and the verse
I don't like it when they curse
But everything is cool
and it's never a duel

I probably drive some of you crazy
But I'm not very lazy
So I keep writing and loving it
And I praying for a hit
With all of you especially Nishant
All of you names I surely can't
Pronounce or remember
I guess maybe I am a dreamer
Mallu and Sushree, and Reema
I enjoy reading all of them-a
And all the incredible others
You're like my sisters and brothers
In writing and reading
but not in eating

I've bored you enough
I'm done with this stuff
for today anyway
So 12 hours away
Have a good day

Tags: Friendship

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