Thanks a lot for so many good feedbacks. They are really useful ones. But since m the only one working on this site so changes are taking time to be apparent.

I know the site has to be improved a lot to be at the launching stage.

1.The home page must be improved. It looks quite basic now.(I have given least time on that).

2.The notification system. Right now the notification does not show up when you click on alert for the second time, saying you have no new notifications. It has to made such that all notifications should stay there at least for a particular visit.

3.Also there should be terms and conditions and a moderation system in place.

4.An advanced text editor, for choosing fonts and colors and smileys. But I think, it will destroy the uniformity. What say?

5.There should be a search for finding friends.

6.Facebook login, twitter login.

7. One important feature I had to implement when i started making this site is the ranking system for the users, on the basis of the number of posts they have and the accuracy with which they guess the age and sex of the author. It would be like how much it deviates from the general public opinion. And there should be some reward for having a good rank. Will have to think about it.

8. A public image creator, Its an awsome concept. Will implement it before I explain it.

Hell lot of work. Haaaah...

But you keep writing... :)

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