It all started wid
That cool breeze.. blowing the heavy curtains of my room..
the tiny drops of water
showering through the open panes,
falling on my physics book..

Oh how i love it!! How i wish i could..
jump out of the window pane!
o' How nice it would be,
to feel d drpolets when it rains!!

i miss those filthy muddy pools,
which were born when it rained..
I miss how we used to float the paper boats!
ohh.. it ws our favourite game..!!

How i wish you were here,
i could hold you tight and walk..
while the breeze would dance its steps,
while on the move, would blow my hair..

On you.. oh yes.. on you it would blow,
and then wid fun we shall dance..
running hither and thither.. like kids!!
ohh.. if only i had that chance!!

How then i would like
to smell the mud,
and feel the droplets wetting me..
How i wish to make a boat
and row it on the filthy pool!!

And after that you would
direct my eyes with your pointed fingers and say
"Behold that b'ful rainbow!!
ohh the rain just made my day!!"

that tempting smell,
that joyous dance, those watery pools, the jingling sounds
all catch my breath, and i enjoy
how i get
carried away in these deep thoughts..

in my glee.. i visited the world
to which i didn't at all belong.
i 4got that tym had rolled by,and those days are now..
just like the lyrics of a sad song..!!

that muddy pool, that ballet dance,
dat day i floated a paper boat,
compose the days bygone..
ohh.. words don't come up my throat..

that windy day, that blowing of hair,
that dance i imagined to be dancing with you..
that holding hands, and getting wet,
are all that i wish may be true..

with all those feelings pouring out my heart
i forgot bout the reality i dwelled in..
and running back to my room i found..
a wet wicked book on a wet soft bed, and the ink
splashed all over it!! :)

Tags: ROMANCE, Rain, Fantasy

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