I am always confused where to use have and where to use has. So I did this little research and came up with this. Some points to ponder upon.

Have and has can both be used to show possession and are important in making the 'perfect tenses'.
'Had' is the past tense of both 'has' and 'have'.


Have is used with some pronouns and plural nouns:
'I have a great English teacher.'
'You have toothpaste on your chin.'
'We have a meeting at 12.'
'Nurses have a difficult job.'


Has is used with the third person singular. Like when you are referring to some person in third person She or He or Ram or Gita. Or some object like it, that, which or "the tree"

For example:

'She has a great personality.'
'He has a new haircut.'
'The washing machine has a leak in it'.
'It has a hole near the door.'

When used in questions:
Has Sachin finished his batting? Who has my pen?

And for pronouns and plural nouns, Have you been there? or How have you been?

'have' and 'has' verb tenses

'have/has' is an important verb in making the 'perfect tense':

Present Perfect
'She has lived here for a long time.'
'We have seen this TV show before.'
'I have cut my finger.'

Past Perfect
'I had already decided not to go before he asked me.'
'They had finished the race before it started raining.'
'She had already left when he arrived'

Hope it helped, take poll and let me know. Also

That tree has a branch or That tree have a branch? :P

Tags: Grammar, TesttTag

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