DAY 1: The beginning. The beginning of time. World creation. It's a bit weird to talk about it cause according to some "beliefs" the world will end soon. Myth or reality? Only God knows. But all the polemics behinds the end of the world is it the beginning of a new way of living ? Or is it the fear of the unknown of people psychology? You tend to reject opportunities sometimes cause you fear about the consequences whether good or not that may or not happened. But, its a forever cycle. If you don't attempt something you will stay at the same level. I was once watching a movie and one of the quote in it was " Trouve un manque, comble ce manque" . On the spot I didn't pay attention to this particular quote. But, it stayed in my mind and I was thinking about it all day. And then came the explanation to it.Since the beginning, human had needs and wants. cro magnon men needed something to hunt animals. They tried everything but with little or no success. They had the materials but needed that little start point. Why not change the materials used. From wood to rock? It was the beginning. Some ideas that would change the world. Rock was more solid than Wood. It was a need and the cro magnon men filled it.Another example, In ancient time, people feared to travel the world. The main reason was that they thought the world was flat and feared to fall from the edges. This limited comerce, population growth and intelligence growth also. It was after this little discovery, the world wa round, that things started to go better. More trades, sharing of knowledge between civilisations, trade routes. People need facts to believe since the beginning.And if you think the end is near, give me facts, so that, it is not the Beginning of another polemic of the end of the world.

#Part of Day to Day Thoughts - Jason Bholanauth

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