It would take a lot to bring her back from the black mass of ashes,dust and self loath.No,not self loath,just the absence of him making her realise her self Worth. The world saw the rose ..saw it..admired it and wanted it. To the world,she was beautiful,smooth and silky soft to the last touch. Her shimmery dewiness,her fragile delicacy and the gift of being fragrantly fresh to everyone,bestowing a bout of optimism and retrospection was a propensity which came to none.
Yet,her world revolved around that one caterpillar which refused to come near her.She tried to make him see that he was beautiful inside,that he just needed to open up his heart to her and he was more than welcome to share all she could offer. He refused to acknowledge her shelter,the way she bared herself to him,shielding him from her prickly side. He didn't realise or maybe he did that she was her naive,inncoent self with him,nothing to hide and nothing to unfold.She craved each day..each minute for him to come asking for her..for him to see her beauty,her own true self and appreciate it with his eyes and his smouldering touch. She went out of her way to show him she was perfect for him, the richness of her petals,the silkiness of the touch,the true heart she beared with his name. She loved him like she could love never again,She wanted him like she was the only rose and he,the only visitor she'd ever have.
She was blind,deaf and stubborn to the world's appraisals of her. Nobody's compliments touched her,nothing made her smile.Her beauty faded,her optimism died, her dewy freshness dulled with each passing minute. Was it not blatantly clear that only his words,his comfort and his acceptance of her could truly make a difference? She was nothing but a rose after all,with nothing to flaunt except her true soul and her beauty,which was to be adorned with his love.

She used to be richly red,bright with attractive demeanors and dew drops of optimism.She would have bloomed with his love,care and interest.Alas,Like a delicate rose petal, with the lack of attention,affection and frail handling,she shrivelled till she was nothing but a black mass of dust.

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